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06 Мая 2024 | 23:13

Экстра М Медиа


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Выполни эти задания – и стань победителем!

Хочешь попасть на итоговый городской тур Московской олимпиады по иностранным языкам для школьников? Стань участником Пятой интернет-олимпиады по иностранным языкам для учеников 9–10-х классов.
По результатам первого тура, который начнется 30 октября, отберут финалистов для участия во II туре – он пройдет 14–15 декабря. Победители получат призы и подарки, а 9 лучших – право на бесплатное обучение в языковом центре Language Link.

Выполнить задания I тура можно на сайте www.languagelink.ru с 30 октября 2006 года. А пока попробуйте свои силы в пробном варианте.

Upper Intermediate Olympiad
1 If I __________ work for you, how much will you pay me?
a) will b) shall c) agree to
d) agreed to

They said that I ______ work on Sunday unless I want to.
a) can’t  b) mustn’t  c) couldn’t d) don’t have to

3 The room was hot and stuffy, so she __________ the window, but this made no real difference.
a) tried opening b) was trying to open c) tried to open d) was trying opening

4 I can’t remember whether he said we should turn left or right. I wish I _________ more attention.
a) would pay b) were paying c) paid d) had paid

5 The instructor gave the children __________.
a) many good advice b) many good advices c) a lot of good advice d) a lot of good advices

6 They __________ be coming to us for Christmas, but they haven’t decided yet.
a) would b) will c) can d) could

7____ men had a spade and was digging furiously.
a) Both  b) Each  c) Each of the d) Both of the

8 This is the most expensive car _______ the world!
a) of  b) in  c) from  d) over

9__________ the fact that she is nearly ninety, she gets around very well.
a) Despite b) Even though c) However  d) Although

10 I said I would give him my old car but he _________.
a) turned down it  b) turned me down  c) turned up it d) turned me up

11 You mustn’t move from this spot ________ your teacher returns.
a) during  b) until  c) while  d) when

12 Do you know ________ that woman is?
a) whose  b) who’s  c) who  d) whom

13 It’s OK, I just called him. He hasn’t left home __________.
a) yet b) already c) before d) earlier

14 When he was young he was so unhappy that he ________ every day.
a) was running away  b) ran away c) used to go running
away d) was used to run away

15 Truthfully, we’d rather not __________ to the party at all!
a) to have gone b) have gone c) going d) to go

16   I’m glad that I’m not going to be staying here __________.
a) once more b) much longer c) once again d) more longer

17 He flatly denied __________ rude to her.
a) to being b) having been c) to be d) to have been

18You look exhausted! You should put __________ for a while.
a) your feet up b) your head up c) your feet down d) your head down

19 «What on Earth is he doing?»  «I’m not sure. He seems _____ us.»
a) to wave  b) to wave at  c) to be waving  d) to be waving at

20 She is so rude! I am __________ furious!
a) absolutely b) completely c) totally d) rather

21 Mary is __________ clever, isn’t she?
a) a lot  b) enough c) not very  d) quite

22 Hello Peter? It’s Mike. Can you come down to the police station? I __________ arrested.
a) am b) have c) was d) have been

23 It’s a shame. I have________ money saved up, but I still can’t afford to go on holiday with my friends.
a) a little b) much c) little d) many

24 The exact _____ of the battle is not known.
a) position b) spot c) place d) site

Тест предоставлен языковым центром  Language Link

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Экстра М Медиа
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